Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement
The Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement is an international community of individuals who seek the opportunity to grow closer to God through personal prayer and service to the most vulnerable in a community of others seeking common goals.

About the Missionaries Movement
The Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement is a Private Association of Christ’s Faithful that has been established within the Roman Catholic Church (Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica). Designated formally within the Church by the Latin name Motuus Missionarium Grani Sinapis, the Movement includes people from across the globe, both consecrated and lay persons. There is a place in the Movement for anyone of any age and ability who has been touched by our communities and has the desire to grow in love and gratitude to Jesus Christ with others. We invite you to prayerfully discern joining us in this journey.
Apostolic Life
Membership in the Mustard Seed Missionary Movement is open to anyone who wishes to embrace the spirituality of Mustard Seed Communities more deeply in their daily lives and work to build community with others who are committed to the Mustard Seed mission.
The Apostolic Life of the Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement is based upon two central themes and four major commissions.
Central Themes of the Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement

The Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement themes of “He is Here” and “Thank You Lord” are present at all Mustard Seed Communities Apostolates and we encourage Movement Associates to embrace these themes as well.
Commissions of the Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement

We Seek personal spiritual growth by creating space and time for God in our lives. We seek to create a rhythm of life where we intentionally set aside time each day for direct interaction with Our Lord. (Luke 6:12)
We Surrender to God’s will by listening to His voice through prayer. As we pray, we are challenged to respond to God’s call by following his plan for our life. (1 Samuel 3:10)
We Serve the most vulnerable, which allows our hearts to be filled with joy and the desire to encounter Jesus in everyone we meet. This joy allows us to reach out in humble service to others. (Matthew 12:11-12)
We Sow the seeds of community, knowing that we cannot journey alone; therefore, we encourage others to join us through prayer, service, and a desire to grow in holiness. (Acts 4:32)
How to become a Mustard Seed Missionaries Associate
Associates of the Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement are asked to become a part of our community through their offering of time, talent, treasure, and testimony in promotion of the Mustard Seed Communities mission of caring for the most vulnerable. This is done in several ways:
- Establish a daily routine of prayer and conversation with God.
- Create a place and time for prayer each day.
- Attend Holy Mass and receive the Sacraments on a regular basis.
- Spend time in Adoration of the Holy Eucharist as often as possible.
- Pray the Rosary.
- Become involved in service to others, especially those who are most in need or most vulnerable.
- Promote the Mission of Mustard Seed Communities.
Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement Spirituality
Inspired by the healing and caring ministry of Jesus Christ, we aim, through positive interaction of caring, sharing, and training, to uplift the most vulnerable members of society, especially disabled and abandoned children, as well as marginalized communities. We are committed to the fostering of homes and communities which will lead us all to loving service and mutual respect and will bring us joy, hope, and dignity.
The spiritual well-being of all the residents, staff, and volunteers of Mustard Seed Communities permeates every aspect of the Mustard Seed Communities’ activities. Each Apostolate or home maintains a Chapel for community worship and the celebration of the Sacred Mass, as well as an Adoration Room for time spent in the presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
The four pillars of Mustard Seed Spirituality are: Simplicity; Freedom; Generosity; and Community.
- Simplicity is related to the vow of poverty. This lies in the individual’s inner journey with God as the wellspring of all he or she does.
- Freedom, related to the vow of obedience, allows us to make the choice to follow God’s call.
- Generosity, related to the virtue of chastity, allows us to give of ourselves through our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
- Community is related to the virtue of love. In community, we are able to grow, learn and serve with each other.
The origin of the Mustard Seed Crucifix began with an actual cross made of barbed wire now worn daily around the next of Msgr. Gregory Ramkissoon, the founder of Mustard Seed Communities. This precious gift was given to him many years ago by a prisoner on death row whom he had befriended.
The transparent figure of Jesus represents the risen Christ and the barbed wire cross stands for the suffering of the world. The hands of Jesus rise above the cross to represent the triumph of Christ over sin and death. This unique work symbolizes the hope that the resurrected Christ brings to those who may feel trapped by the barbed wires of fear, poverty, injustice, illness, or despair.
We seek to create a rhythm of life where time each day is intentionally set aside for direct interaction with God. This allows one to continue to create a deeply intimate relationship with Our Lord. The concept, called “2.4T” is intended to help focus on an offering of our time, talent, treasure, and testimony to Jesus each day.
Movement Associates are encouraged to dedicate time each day to prayer, service, and spreading the good news of Christ to others. Ideally, the concept of 2.4T is that everyone would gradually work toward offering ten percent of our day to God.
Through these daily encounters with Our Lord, we become filled with God’s joy, love, and mercy.
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Other Opportunities

As the Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement continues to grow, many other opportunities for spiritual growth and service will become available to Movement Associates. Some of these opportunities include:
– Regular updates on progress being made by our Apostolates and missionaries.
– Days of Reflection, retreats, and parish missions at various locations.
– Resources for growth in personal prayer and relationship with Our Lord.
– Establishment of small groups to pray for and promote the mission of Mustard Seed Communities.
– Participation in mission trips to our Apostolates.