Spirituality at Mustard Seed Communities
At Mustard Seed Communities, spirituality stands as a cornerstone, permeating the lives of residents, staff, and volunteers alike. Our Catholic faith is a guiding force that intricately weaves through every aspect of our activities. This spiritual foundation, as symbolized in our logo, not only nurtures the well-being of individuals but also serves as a compass, directing the development and ensuring the enduring vitality of our organization. It is in this shared spirituality that Mustard Seed Communities finds strength, purpose, and a profound connection that transcends every endeavor we undertake.
He is Here — Thank You Lord
Mustard Seed Communities is built upon a spiritual foundation and is sustained by spiritual nourishment – particularly the Holy Eucharist. Central to the charism of this ministry is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, recognizing that Jesus Christ is ever-present in our daily life and work, and at the same time expressing gratitude for His invitation, gifts, and blessings. As such, the constant themes which embrace MSC’s Christ-centered life are “He is Here” and “Thank You Lord”.
MSC Logo

The Mustard Seed Communities logo reflects the four pillars at the heart of our organization: Simplicity, Freedom, Generosity, and Community. Explore the meaning behind our logo
MSC Cross

The Mustard Seed Communities Cross is an important and meaningful symbol used widely in our organization. Discover how the MSC Cross ties into our mission
MSC Verse

Then Jesus asked, “What is the Kingdom of God like? To what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the sky nested in its branches.” — Luke 13:18-19
Weekly Messages of Hope
Receive inspirational words of faith from our Founder when you subscribe to our ‘Thank You Thursday’ Weekly Newsletter.
How can we pray for you?
Submit your prayer requests so we can offer prayers on your behalf.
Spiritual Programs at Mustard Seed Communities
Formation Program

The Formation Center and Program promotes spiritual vocations and trains future Missionarii Grani Sinatis (MGS) priests, deacons, and sisters to serve MSC throughout the many apostolates and programs across the world.
Missionary Movement

The Mustard Seed Missionaries Movement is an international community of individuals who seek the opportunity to grow closer to God through personal prayer and service to the most vulnerable in a community of others seeking common goals.
Missions Trips

Mission volunteers at Mustard Seed Communities embark on a unique journey, where their service not only transforms lives but also provides a special opportunity for profound spiritual experiences and personal growth.

We embrace faith in our care of the most vulnerable—it’s a key part of our holistic approach.
In every apostolate, a chapel and perpetual adoration room offer residents and volunteers a dedicated space for communal worship, sacred Mass, and quiet contemplation in the presence of the Holy Eucharist—fostering a profound sense of spiritual belonging and solace.
“Every day, I get up and I say ‘Thank you, Jesus’ for a new day…a new life.”
Claude, Mustard Seed Communities Resident
Spirituality in Mustard Seed Communities’ Blog Posts
How We Stay Joyful in a Troubled World
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
I Found the Meaning of Life: Moses’ Story
Community Development & Outreach
Rededicating Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at Jerusalem