Step into a day in the life of Miriam Nkambule, Administrative Clerk, and Sr. Salome, MSC Zimbabwe Volunteer, as they describe how this work is transformational.
“The first word that escaped my mouth on my first day at MSC was ‘Wow.’
I was just impressed by the scenery and the greenery of the place. It is at that moment where l said, ‘l need to be here,’” says Sr. Salome, smiling effortlessly.
Volunteers give vital assistance in fulfilling our mission here at MSC Zimbabwe and we couldn’t do what we do without the help of those who donate their time, talents, and skills. It is because of their commitment, energy, and humility that they are able to continue serving the most vulnerable.
Sr. Salome has been in Zimbabwe for five years but her seven months at MSC has been life transforming, contributing significantly to her personal and spiritual growth. “Being at MSC touches your own vulnerability,” she says. We call her Sr. Salome, a name meaning peace – she is always smiling and cheerful, a unique feature about her!
Sr. Salome volunteers with us at Woodville and she is an amazing person to work with. She is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of the Divine Mother where she has been serving as a religious sister for eight and half years. As an organization, we are grateful to have a partnership with the Sisters. Sr. Salome has a good relationship with all the staff members and children. For her, this journey has been “a life-giving ministry.”
“I remember that l told my supervisor previously that I need something that will challenge me and not keep me seated in the office the whole day. That is what l received and l do not have any regrets,” Sr. Salome shares with us. She recalls a time where she was away on leave this year and she found herself longing to be at MSC. “MSC has become my second home and I am grateful that l have this opportunity to serve the most vulnerable children. l am even using my skill as a teacher to assist the children and this brings fulfillment in my life.”

She gets so excited when she goes back home knowing that she assisted the children by feeding them, assisting them with hygiene, helping with home chores, and more. It is through all these experiences that she has grown to appreciate all the small things in life. She has also learned to be kind and gentle with herself to an extent where she compliments herself through affirmative words where she says “It is okay, you did well” and these words have strengthened her.
Sr. Salome remembers how she felt when she started her work with us at MSC Zimbabwe, reminiscing, “Though l was excited when l had a glimpse of the surroundings, l was so scared when l first met the children.” She shared that she wondered how she was going to navigate around the situation but then remembered that she asked for something that will challenge her.
Today, the fear that she had at first has turned into courage and confidence because of all she has learned volunteering five days a week for five months. “I have learned to ask for help and the fact that l am able to assist the children just brings joy in my life,” says Sr. Salome.

With her Post Graduate in Education, she has demonstrated her passion in teaching—as can be noted from some of the children who attend Mustard Seed Communities’ academic programs and have improved greatly in their studies. Before becoming a religious sister, she worked for the Irish Sisters during her teenage years. Her inquisitiveness and hard work led her to not only care for her siblings but also financially support them with the pocket money she earned. Despite her responsibilities, she pursued a degree in Accounts, and over time, she answered the calling to become a religious sister, subsequently contributing to various communities, including providing assistance to survivors of violence.
As an organization, MSC Zimbabwe is forever grateful to all volunteers who continue to support us and make a positive impact in countless lives. For Sr. Salome, MSC is “life changing and inspiring.”