Mountain Movers is Here: A Letter from Msgr. Gregory

Monthly donors are essential to a secure future for the organization and to fulfill our promise never to let a child be abandoned twice. When you give monthly, you become a Mountain Mover — a monthly miracle-maker for the most vulnerable. You’re providing Mustard Seed Communities with the dependable support we need to plan ahead and create lasting change. 

Mountain Movers are a group of people who have been making a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities, children affected by HIV, teen moms in crisis, and undernourished families around the world. 

When you take action to give to Mustard Seed Communities every month, you join hands with other compassionate Mountain Movers. Your seeds of faith have the power to create lasting change for thousands of the most vulnerable members of society around the world.

Please partner with us in this expedition to bring hope, one month at a time, to those who need it most.

In Christ,

Very Reverend Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon
Founder, Mustard Seed Communities