Since 1993, the apostolates of Mustard Seed Communities (MSC) have welcomed mission volunteers with open arms. These short-term mission trips are rooted in meaningful and heartfelt interaction with the children and adults with disabilities who are living in MSC’s care. For one week, a team lives and works at a MSC home, fixing up facilities, providing necessary resources, and, perhaps most critically, experiencing the love and joy that the MSC Family has to offer in abundance.
The Founder of MSC, Msgr. Gregory Ramkissoon, placed a core belief at the center of the mission trip program: feeling loved is especially critical to the wellbeing of individuals who have been abandoned. Since Msgr. Gregory could not bring the children to the world, he decided to bring the love of the world to the children through our mission program.
2023’s mission trips brought the world to the residents with a diverse group of mission volunteers. The 66 teams hailed from a variety of states, faith traditions, high schools and colleges, parishes, and backgrounds. Of the 1,522 volunteers in total, a common takeaway was the overwhelming power of love.
Lulu, a volunteer from Move a Mountain Missions who spent a week at Sophie’s Place this year, recalls a moment on her mission trip that transformed her:
One of the most profound moments I experienced on the mission trip was the peace and happiness I felt during an evening where I was holding baby Gio and rocking him to sleep. Gio had his head rested on my shoulder, holding me tightly as I was praying over him. I felt the Lord’s presence in this moment because of the overwhelming joy, peace, and love I was feeling.
That moment was when I learned and truly understood the realness of God’s love. Something I have been asking for help with since that moment was to love others the way God loves me. The mission trip in Jamaica has shaped me in SO many new ways, but more specifically I can say that I am able to trust God and allow Him to have full control of my life. I have learned that the more I seek God and his love, the more content I feel.
Lulu, Move a Mountain Missions volunteer

Join us in this lookback at the 2023 year of mission trips…

With sincere gratitude, MSC extends thanks and blessings to each individual who contributed to the success of this year’s mission program. Without these teams, MSC would not be the same!