Giving Day is September 18!

Meet Chula

Lupe, affectionately known as Chula, is a cherished leader at Hogar Immanuel in Dominican Republic.

Since arriving at Hogar Immanuel at the age of 12, Chula, who has cognitive and physical disabilities, has been a beloved member of the Mustard Seed Family. Now 34 years old, she continues to thrive in an environment where she is infinitely loved and supported.

Her innate warmth and caring nature give Chula a remarkable ability to connect with her fellow residents, always taking the time to check in on them and address each individual by name. Her genuine interest in the wellbeing of others extends to every visitor who enters Hogar Immanuel, making them feel welcome and valued.

Top: Chula (left), age 16, does her homework with a caregiver. Bottom: Chula (center), age 34, proudly poses with her doll alongside Franchesca, her friend and fellow resident, and Maria, a physical therapist.

Preparing to get her portrait professionally taken by a local photographer, Chula carefully applies a pretty shade of red lip gloss.

Joyful sparks in Chula’s daily life include getting her picture taken and playing with her dolls. When she hears that someone wants to take a picture with her, Chula beams with excitement – she chooses her outfit and accessories, then decides which doll to hold with pride.

Her vibrant personality is complemented by a great sense of humor, making Chula a favorite among her peers. She loves watching comedies, and her contagious laughter creates a lively atmosphere around Hogar Immanuel. A resilient and positive outlook on life is her superpower!

Chula’s positivity and ability to forge strong, empathetic bonds with others are special, invaluable, and enduring strengths in the MSC Family. She is a living example of the profound impact that a supportive and empowering community can have on each one of us!