Location Category: Jamaica
Beyond the Apostolates: MSC’s Outreach Initiatives in Jamaica
MSC’s annual Christmas Treat inspired action across all apostolates to serve thousands around Jamaica in year-round efforts.
Exploring the Joy of a Long-Distance Family
Occupational therapist Kaitlin Cruickshank talks reuniting with friends and learning about love with MSC.
Jacob’s Ladder Celebrates 15 Years!
On October 19, 2022, MSC celebrated the 15th anniversary of Jacob’s Ladder opening its doors to residents in Moneague, Jamaica.
Christine Watson: A Mustard Seed Champion
Meet the administrator of Sophie’s Place, Christine!
Fr. Ernest Reflects on his Priesthood
Read about Fr. Ernest’s journey to the priesthood and his ordination experience with the Mustard Seed Missionaries.
Q and A with Tawah Denis, Nursing Student at Gwynedd Mercy University
Get to know Tawah and her incredible reason for deciding to be a part of a Mustard Seed Mission trip!