Category: Mission Trips
A Time for Reflection: Mission Leaders Prepare for 2023 Volunteers
Our Jamaica Mission team gathered for a two day retreat to prepare for and reflect on the 2023 Mission Season.
Exploring the Joy of a Long-Distance Family
Occupational therapist Kaitlin Cruickshank talks reuniting with friends and learning about love with MSC.
Ryan Shaw Legacy Honored at Memorial 5K
The Ryan Shaw Foundation supports Mustard Seed Communities each year by hosting a Boston-based memorial 5K event.
Q and A with Tawah Denis, Nursing Student at Gwynedd Mercy University
Get to know Tawah and her incredible reason for deciding to be a part of a Mustard Seed Mission trip!
Mission Leader Trip Highlights
Kate Foley and Roxanne McDevitt traveled to Jamaica as a part of the Mission Leader trip. Hear more about what they learned.